Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Texas- Tax Free Weekend Change

This is great news!

I'm not sure this happens in other states, but Texas has a TAX FREE weekend in August every year. Each year, they modify what is on the list. The original list was for clothes and school supplies to help parents save some money for the upcoming school year.

There was also a restriction that each item was only tax free up to the first $100. That meant, no tax free on designer $150 jeans!

Well, it was just reported yesterday that they're thinking about making more changes. The most recent change that might effect this coming August '07, is appliances!! How appliances really relate to going back to school, I don't know, but I guess some people could use the help to buy a big ticket item, save the tax, and then wash all the brand new clothes they just bought. This would also go towards refrigerators, and we all know those college students moving into the dorms could use a mini-fridge!

Overall, I think adding appliances to the list is a good thing. If you think it's good too, since this is not final yet, you might want to send an email to the state!



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