Monday, July 10, 2006

Do I have a Green Thumb?

I'm beginning to wonder whether or not I have a green thumb. Things are definitely looking better, but until this past week, I would have to say no.

When I first moved into this house last September, we planted Fall Pansies... which I thought died. Then I removed those and planted some more... and also looked dead. My neighbors told me it was the rabbits and to buy some stuff called Liquid Fence. I did buy it, though it was too late for the pansies. I tried it on other flowers and they all grew back within a few days. Amazing stuff.

Then, I plant my Spring flowers... it's killing me to keep this stuff alive. I'm not sure if it's the water restrictions and not enough water, or what's going on. I made sure to buy flowers that liked direct sun and wouldn't need very much water, but what do the nurseries really know. Needless to say, my Spring/Summer flowers aren't looking the greatest.

I tried Tomato plants a couple of months ago. I was thinking, this would be great! I wouldn't have to pay those prices at the store anymore and I could pick a tomato whenever I wanted... That was 5 Tomato plants and 3 Bell Pepper plants ago...

Last Sunday, I planted a new tomato plant and a red bell pepper plant along with an orange/yellow bell pepper plant. For the first time, they are all still alive!! My husband thinks I overcompensated and fertilized too much, but apparently it's working. I used a root stimulator putting them into the dirt, and I also topped them off with miracle grow granules. For the tomato plant, I added specially formulated tomato fertilizer spikes... All the others had died within the first week... a couple within a day or two. To go 7 entire days, and today is day 8, this is awesome!

All it takes is a little fertilizer and probably anyone can have a Green Thumb with enough tries.


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