I have the sense of a HUGE accomplishment today!
Whenever I would show 2-story houses that had a "dust collector" above the front door, I would tell myself that if I ever had a house like that, I was going to decorate it, and it would involve one of those treasure chests. When we bought out current house about a year and a half ago, it actually has the "dust collector"! I was so excited. For those of you who don't know what a dust collector is, it's a plant ledge that just collects dust, mainly because it's too high for you to dust it.
I wanted to decorate it, but when it came down to it, I didn't really know what I wanted to do for that spot. My husband was very much against putting anything there because "who is going to dust it?" I told him that the point is that no one dusts it, the stuff just sits there and looks pretty. So, all this time goes by, and I had secretly been looking for a reasonably priced chest and I would build around it. I looked several places, but I was not going to spend $100+ on something to collect dust.
I received a referral last month from an agent in California. They came into town and we were looking at many houses. While looking, I had mentioned my plans for the "dust collector" but hadn't been able to find any chests worth the price. Before these buyers left town, they stopped in a store and called me. They said they were there and that they had tons of chests at 50% off! It's weird because I had gone to that store, but not that location. It turns out that the location they were at was one of the biggest in the area so they carried more things.

The next day, I drove up there, and I got my chest for only $34!!! I brought it home, and my husband was like, "we're not putting that up there!" I was like, "Oh, yes we are!"
I bought that chest about a month ago, and yesterday my husband looks at me while watching TV and asks, "Are you ready to put that stuff on the ledge?" I immediately jumped up and got my jacket on so we could bring in the HUGE ladder from the backyard.

I have a huge sense of accomplishment that I had been wanting for many years and finally did it. Yes, it's something simple, I didn't cure cancer or anything, but it's my own creation and I like it. It's a chest, a chair, a throw blanket, and a plant that was just sitting around the house. All for under $65!
As for Mike, he thinks it blocks out too much sun, but we'll just have to open the windows in the front formals! I told him I would climb up there twice a year to dust, but that means he's going to have to bring in the big ladder from outside! I wonder if that's going to happen....
Labels: accomplishment, chest, dallas real estate, ledge, texas