Wednesday, July 12, 2006

What Makes you a Negotiations Specialist?

Recently, I've noticed some agents putting an alphabet of real estate classes after their name, CNS. This CNS stands for Certified Negotiations Specialist. They are receiving this designation after taking a class on negotiations. Does that make you a specialist? I would have to scream out the answer as NO!

I would really hope that Mr. & Mrs. Buyer and Seller would ask the agent what kind of actual experience they have negotiating and not just looking at the words and thinking they must be a great agent. Anyone can sit through a class and sleep. I personally know an agent who has been licensed for well under a year and he has this certification. I believe he's closed 2 sales. That is the number after 1 but before 3... does that make him a specialist?

I'm just on a rant today about how the public perceives REALTORSĀ®. It bothers me that someone who doesn't even have $1M in sales can call himself a specialist. It bothers me that some states require their agents to actually hold a Broker's license when they have no clue what their doing... Texas has the highest education requirements for getting a real estate license, and I truly believe other states should follow suit!

Next time you interview with an agent, ask why they are a specialist compared to John and Sally down the street.


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