Thursday, July 13, 2006

Another Reason for Loan Approval

There are still no good leads for the killing of the builder's rep in McKinney. I just wanted to take this time to point out, again, why I get my buyers pre-approved for their loans.

Many people think this is just so I don't waste my time showing buyers who don't qualify for loans, but that's just part of the reason.

When I have a buyer talk with my lender, that lender is gather lots of information that I wouldn't be able to gather. He would get multiple phone numbers, social security number, current and previous addresses, and work history. The lender is then pulling up their credit to see what it looks like. He also gathers W2's and bank statements and rental history if they don't currently own a home.

With all this, we've got a pretty good idea of what kind of person you're working with. Then, when I set an appointment with the buyer to go look at properties, I immediately let the lender know when my appt is. I then follow up afterwards with an email or a call to let them know how the appt went. If they don't hear from me, they know something's wrong, and they've got the buyer's information right there if needed.

I believe this is the smartest safety thing that I can do besides carrying a cell phone with 911, besides pepper spray, besides driving separately from the buyers, and besides having someone else go with me. If you, as the buyer, can't respect my safety, that's just another reason I don't want to work with you besides you not wanting to call my lender for an approval.

If you respect me and respect my safety, give me a call!


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