Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Commissions Based on Asking Price... Good Idea??

I had a listing appointment on Saturday, and I got asked a question that I had never been asked before. I thought it was an odd question, but the seller was very serious as he has bought his last two houses without a Realtor's help, and has never had to sell a house, so this is his first experience with using a Realtor and with selling.

He asked if the commissions were based on asking price. I looked at him, probably with a startled look on my face, and said no. I then said, you may be on to something there. I think commissions should be based on asking price and then I could list each house for $1M, and have the sellers also sign price reductions the same day. Talk about motivation to sell that house and not let it expire!!

On another side of it, I was thinking this was a good idea because if the sellers had to pay commissions based on their original asking price, they would be less willing to over price their houses. Doesn't that sound grand?? Less people over pricing, more people being realistic, and we'll get this inventory down much quicker than the houses sitting on the market.

What do you think?

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